I chose the word attitude because that is one thing I really need to work on this year. This year brings me closer to my senior, which I have been looking forward to for the past eleven school years. Now that I'm older I think that I'm a hot shot and I have the "ahh whatever," and the "I'm always right" attitude. For this year I am going to stop and listen to others and try to see their point of view and not just assume I'm right, also I'm not going to treat everyone like dirt like I would normally do. I need to do this for me, I need to show people that the "evil red head" isn't always bad.
I need to change my attitude for my family also. As of now I am never home and when I am I am just rude, and I get irritated by them easily. I am going to start watching my tone when speaking to family members, and watch what I say to them, and I am going to make sure not to belittle them like I'm better than them.
As in the past I was always the one with a blunt, loud, totally truthful answer for everything. I probably voiced my opinion to much. I am testing myself to be a better person and having a better attitude about everything in life.
I've also had problems with the "I'm always right," attitude and it is very difficult for me to admit I'm not always right. But the cool thing about realizing that is that I can learn more now that my mind is more open.